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人工智慧 (AI) X 永續設計

人工智慧(AI) 已成為一股變革力量,各個產業皆受其影響,對設計領域而言,亦無法置身事外,人工智慧驅動的設計生成工具正在徹底改變創意過程。為了追求永續的社會,設計師可以嘗試利用人工智慧的優勢來應對環境挑戰、優化資源利用、並培育創新解決方案,在設計過程中,AI工具使用演算法發展多種設計可能性,透過設計師和人工智慧之間的協作,可以促進創新,同時確保設計達到永續環境之目的。


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a transformative force, influencing various industries, and the field of design is no exception. AI-driven generative design tools are revolutionizing the creative process. In the pursuit of a sustainable society, designers can explore the advantages of AI to address environmental challenges, optimize resource utilization, and foster innovative solutions. During the design process, AI tools utilize algorithms to explore multiple design possibilities. Through collaboration between designers and AI, innovation can be promoted, ensuring that designs align with the goal of sustainability.This seminar aims to facilitate an exchange of opinions among industry, government, and academia experts, delving into how AI, through data analysis, predictive analytics, generative design, simulation, and smart manufacturing, can be utilized in the design process. By harnessing the power of AI, designers can create products that not only possess value but also demonstrate responsibility towards the environment. The seminar seeks to explore how to strike a balance between the tide of AI technology and the field of design, emphasizing the creation of products that are both valuable and environmentally conscious.

地址 : 24301新北市泰山區貴子里工專路84號 電話:02-2908-9899 #3200 傳真:
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